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Voter Information

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For First Time Voters

Register to Vote


Visit to register to vote. Depending on your state’s voter registration rules, the site can help you


  • Register online. This is available for 39 states plus the District of Columbia.

  • Download the National Mail Voter Registration Form. You can fill it out onscreen and print the completed form, or print the blank form and fill it out by hand. Remember to sign the form before mailing it to the location listed for your state.

  • Find guidance for states and territories with different registration procedures.

Voting By Mail


Absentee Voting or Voting by Mail


Absentee voting allows you to vote by mail. Though every state has absentee voting, rules on who can take part vary.


Please note: Your state's rules may change in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. 


Voters Who Reside in the U.S.


Get your absentee ballot from your state or territory. 

  • Visit your state or territorial election office website and look for “Absentee Voting” or “Voting By Mail.” If you don’t see either term, try using the site’s search tool.

  • Your state may require you to have a valid excuse to vote absentee. Acceptable excuses vary by state. Most include:

  • Being unable to get to your polling place due to illness, injury, or disability.

  • Being on business travel or vacation outside of your county or city of residence on Election Day

  • Being a student at an out-of-state college or university

  • ​

This table shows which states require an excuse and the excuses each state will accept.


Follow your state’s instructions for requesting an absentee or vote-by-mail ballot.



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