Author: Dr. Yvonne Huggins-Mclean
Luke 18:15-16 Now they were bringing even infants to HIM that HE might touch them: and when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But JESUS called them to HIM, saying: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of GOD.…” [ Revised Standard translation]
Matthew 19: 13-14 Little children were brought for JESUS to lay HIS hands on them and pray. But the disciples scolded those who brought them. “Don’t bother him,” they said. But JESUS said, “Let the little children come to me, and don’t prevent them.
[Living Bible translation]
Biblical Comment The story of JESUS “laying hands-on” or blessing the little children is in several of the gospels. (See also Mark 10:14) It is recorded that people started bringing babies and little children to JESUS so HE would touch them and bless them. Matthew specifically mentions he touched them and prayed. The crowd must have been large because the disciples stepped in and started to redirect them away. But JESUS stopped the disciples saying, “suffer the children” or don’t prevent them from coming to me, because the Kingdom of GOD belongs to such as these.
Many believe the King James translations using the word “suffer” comes from the old English translation of the word which means “permit” or “allow” or “do not forbid it.”
Some believe that this scripture was to show that no one is too old or too young to be brought to JESUS. Others believe that this scripture points out that children are humble, trusting, and unpretentious—and that this is how JESUS wants us to come to GOD.
Still, others believe that the very nature of children is dependency (they need someone to feed them, provide clothing and shelter and make sure their needs are met) and that if we approach GOD seeking HIS provision, and recognize GOD as our GREAT PROVIDER, we are acknowledging our relationship to GOD and HIS to us. We are acknowledging that we simply need HIM for everything.
JESUS left no doubt that HE cared about children and that children should not be overlooked. Instead of being focused on human greatness, JESUS hopes that we would realize our position as “all of GOD’s children.” May we realize we are totally dependent on GOD.
How Much Physical Exercise Do Children Need?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the answer to this question depends on the age of the child.
Children Ages 3 to 5: Pre-school children, generally age 3 to 5, should be physically active throughout the day for growth and development.
Children Ages 6 to 17: Children Ages 6 to 17 should be done 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity each day, including:
Aerobic Activity – like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster, which should be encouraged at least three times a week.
Muscle-Strengthening Activities – like climbing or doing push-ups, which should be encouraged at least three times a week.
Bone-Strengthening Activities - like jumping or running or for example sports that involve jumping or rapid changes in direction.
Tips for Making Exercise Fun and Part of a Child’s life:
Start Early: Young children love to play and be active. Encourage lots of safe and unstructured movement and play.
Role Model: Set a positive example by leading an active lifestyle yourself.
Family Model: Make physical activity part of your family’s [or extended family’s (e.g., aunts, uncles, etc.)] daily routine by taking family walks or playing active games together. [e.g., indoor skating, hikes, outdoor tours/walks, visiting public parks, etc.]
Provide Safe Equipment: Give your children equipment that encourages physical activity (e.g., helmets, wrist pads, knee pads, basketballs, footballs, adjustable basketball hoops for backyards or safe areas, tennis racks, etc.) Make sure the activity is age-appropriate and safe.
Find Community or Recreational Areas for Activity: Take your children to places where they can be active, such as public parks, community baseball fields, or basketball courts or visit places where team sports play or physical activity is encouraged.
Be Positive: Be positive, visit their activities and encourage your young people to be interested in physical activities.
Physical activity is important for everyone, including children, teens, and adults with disabilities.
See,; See also: WebMD, “Kid Fitness: When Your Child Won’t Exercise: 12 Tips to Get Your Couch Potato Moving,
Just as children and youth gain a greater understanding of their bibles by seeing their parents and others read the bible, they can also gain a greater understanding of exercise and fitness by seeing their parents, relatives, and others exercising and striving for physical fitness too. We can all contribute to the health of our children, teens, young adults, and loved ones.
Pray GOD’s blessings on all our children, teens, and young adults. Pray for children in detention facilities, in care facilities, and who are incarcerated. Pray for children, teens, and young adults not only in America but everywhere, especially those in war zones or troubled places.
ALL of us are GOD’s children!
Pray for all of GOD’s children and BE BLESSED!